Creative Solutions

What is Creative Solutions?
Creative Solutions is an arts-as-workforce intervention program for youth who have encountered the justice system.
Once a young person is convicted of a crime, the opportunity gap widens exponentially, making it even more difficult for youth to chart their own path. More than 75% of youth in the juvenile system have experienced traumatic victimization such as physical abuse, domestic violence, and traumatic neglect, leaving them ever more vulnerable for mental health disorders and post-traumatic stress.
For over 30 years, Creative Solutions has impacted over 15,000 youth. Creative Solutions provides real-world job experience, skill development, and the opportunity to explore artistic passions. By applying the transformative power of visual, performing, and digital arts, we equip these young individuals with the essential job and social-emotional skills needed to create a brighter future.
Big Thought showed me it’s ok to hurt, but you have to learn how to get it out somehow in a positive way…
– Christian
How it works
The Creative Solutions program takes place over multiple weeks in the summer. Youth are referred by their probation officer. At the end of the summer, the youth present their work at a showcase where friends, family and members of the community can see their art displayed in a gallery, watch musical performances and see spoken word poetry.