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Cada verano cuenta: análisis longitudinal de los resultados del Proyecto Nacional de Aprendizaje en Verano

By brandon.mcknight

Un estudio a largo plazo de los programas de aprendizaje en verano revela beneficios significativos a lo largo de varios años. Publicado en: diciembre de 2020 por The Wallace Foundation Autores: Jennifer Sloan McCombs, Catherine H. Augustine, John F. Pane, Jonathan Schweig Publishing Organization: RAND Corporation El mayor y más largo estudio de este tipo

Students’ social-emotional skills have suffered since the pandemic started

By brandon.mcknight

Students’ social-emotional skills have suffered since the pandemic started and some predict it will only worsen Summer programs help children with learning losses and give them a chance to connect Dallas-area children and teenagers are struggling with their social-emotional skills more since the pandemic started, but summer programs gave some a chance to connect with

Executive Summary: Early Lessons from Schools and Out-of-School Time Programs Implementing Social and Emotional Learning

By brandon.mcknight

This is the executive summary of a report that offers early lessons from an initiative focused on social and emotional learning (SEL) in elementary schools and out-of-school time (OST) programs. In 2016, in an effort to gain knowledge about how to help children develop SEL skills, The Wallace Foundation launched a six-year project called the

SEL + OST = Perfect Together

By brandon.mcknight

In October 2019, The Wallace Foundation and America’s Promise Alliance hosted a day-long event in Chicago to address the challenges of teaching social and emotional skills to young people in out-of-school time programs. We drafted the conference report that is in your hands, however, before two major developments in the life of this nation had