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Dallas City of Learning Partners: Project Still I Rise

Established: Project Still I Rise is a community-based 501(c)(3) organization founded in 2002 to provide high quality, high impact programming to youth in Dallas, Texas.

About: With an emphasis on positive youth development, the Project Still I Rise mission is all about empowering today’s youth for tomorrow’s opportunities through academic enrichment, social innovation, mentoring, and leadership development programming. The Project Still I Rise program model emphasizes collaboration with others, leveraging existing resources, building for the future through capacity development, innovation-driven solutions, and a strong emphasis on quality programs and services

Why is Summer Learning so Important?

“Students in our community have some of the most innovative imaginations and the energy to create new possibilities,” says Kevin Mondy, Executive Director, Project Still I Rise. “Project Still I Rise knows that summer is the untapped power to advance student achievement. Summer learning also provides social equity to students giving them universal access to programs and resources in the community. It is very important that we continue to rewrite the narrative on the importance of summer learning.”

Why Partner with Dallas City of Learning?

“One of Project Still I Rise’s core values is collaboration,” says Mondy. “The partnership with DCoL allows Project Still I Rise to partner with other organizations and share resources. Collaboration is also a proven strategy for schools, community based organizations, and corporations to provide support and resources to each other, providing more meaningful summer experiences. DCoL brings this all together to make a real difference in the lives of the children and families we serve.”

How Does Your Participation in Dallas City of Learning Benefit Project Still I Rise Kids?

“Programs can play an important role in counteracting negative stereotypes many young people face, providing positive mentors and role models, and drawing on the interests of young people in developing and implementing best practices,” says Mondy. “Our participation in DCoL allows Project Still I Rise to be a vehicle to drive resources, and enrichment to destinations in our community where there is untapped innovation.”

What is Your Vision and Passion for the Future of Education?

“Every child – every student – deserves an education that will prepare him or her for the future,” says Mondy. “The knowledge of students matters most, but it should not be placed in a vacuum with no way to escape to change the world.”

– Mario Tarradell