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Dallas City of Learning Summer 2022 Report

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Annual Dallas City of Learning Report Finds a Rebound in Access and Dosage with the Return to Face-to-Face Programming

Dallas City of Learning (DCoL), launched in 2014, represents a collection, or ecosystem, of organizations focused on providing programming to youth during out-of-school time and other non-traditional learning spaces.

Through these learning experiences youth have the opportunity to be introduced to new concepts, try new things, and acquire or deepen critical skills that can empower them in pursuing a future of their choosing. Big Thought serves as the backbone agency for DCoL and facilitates a range of support services and resources to assist the ecosystem.

Big Thought’s theory of change targets four main areas to increase the opportunities students have to gain meaningful learning experiences outside of school:

  • Increase the access of programs for students
  • Increase the dosage of programs – the rate of participation, engagement level, and variation of enrollment students spend in programs
  • Improve the quality of programs and experiences
  • Support cultural and community uplift – actively participate in and support outreach events that empower communities to raise up their stories

DCoL 2022 by the Numbers

  • 1,308 Total programs offered (+54% YOY)
  • 47,503 Total participants (+121% YOY)
  • 22,632 Total unique students (+38% YOY)
  • 767,323 Cumulative participant learning days (+288% YOY)
  • 1,472,211 Cumulative participant learning hours (+1,107% YOY)
  • 18.7 Avg. Days of Dosage per unique student (+32% YOY) • 79.5 Avg. Hours per unique student (+45% YOY)