Art, Advocacy, and Impact: Aria’s Story
Resilience. One word to describe Aria’s journey with Big Thought. When referred to Creative Solutions by her probation officer in 2019, she had never heard of Big Thought. Most youth who enter the program haven’t, but in it she found an environment unlike any she’d ever experienced.

“It was the staff that made it special. I made lifelong connections, even though I didn’t end up completing the program. I learned a lot about myself. I never knew there were organizations out there trying to get youth connected and engaged, and not only that, to regulate our emotions and understand what we’re going through.”
Even though she didn’t complete the Creative Solutions program, the fire had been lit.
Aria wanted more, and in 2022 she reached back out to Big Thought and joined the first Artivism cohort. Artivism combines art and activism, where youth advocate for change through the collaboration and exchange of points of view, lessons, skills building and supportive feedback with other participants as they are championed to become creators of tomorrow.
Of her time with Artivism, Aria says, “I never knew something like that existed. You don’t need to be on the front lines of change, but by doing art you can connect to and advocate for what is important to you.”
Art, and not just physical art, but your words – poetry – and storytelling, plays a major part in being connected to your community. It’s powerful.
After completing Artivism Aria asked, “What else can I do?” That lead her to join Big Thought’s Community Action Team (CAT). Through CAT Aria practiced civic engagement, career and advising workshops, relationship building, and worked to create change within the community and herself.
“We engaged with the community by talking with leaders in Dallas, and they valued our opinions and took our advice, which was amazing. My voice was really being heard, which was huge.”
Aria’s Big Thought experience is perfectly representative of the Civics and Service domain of the Creator Archetype.
She explains, “Creative Solutions, Artivism, and CAT all relate back to Civics and Service. We made hygiene bags and produce bags, and it just lead from one thing to another – to us getting even more involved. And it helped us better serve our community.”
“I feel like we served the community with our art. We painted the world. I did Creative Solutions in 2019. Here we are 5 years later, and I still see our art around the city. I remember the poetry we did. It’s still having an influence.”

In addition to Civics and Service, Aria found Social and Emotional Learning in her time with Big Thought.
“My time here taught me decision making, self-awareness, and how to regulate emotions and give myself grace in the moment – how every emotional decision I make is going to affect my life, and that there’s a healthy way to express those feelings.”
Aria exemplifies what Big Thought is all about – We don’t instill greatness in youth. That greatness has always been there. Big Thought provides the tools and access to let that greatness flow out. Youth simply need the opportunity.
Reflecting on her Big Thought experiences, Aria says, “Once you’re in, you’re in. You’re family now, and everyone is going to treat you like family. They allowed me to see the light within myself.”
The skills, experiences, and connections Aria has made with Big Thought affected her present and will also carry into her future as she continues to be involved in the organization and the community.
Today, Aria advocates passionately for justice-involved youth, sharing her experiences to inspire others, giving back to her community, and solidifying her role as an active creator and leader.
The youth that we work with every day represent the incredible potential of our programs—programs that empower youth to tap into their creativity, sharpen their skills, and engage meaningfully with the world around them.
When you support Big Thought, you’re investing in that same potential.