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Citywide Learning Impact at Big Bang! Conference

By Mario Tarradell, Public Relations & Marketing Manager

Big Thought presented a breakout session at the Big Bang! 2015 Conference, which took place Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015 at Paul Quinn College. The conference aimed to serve “the citizens of Dallas by convening national and local experts to share ideas in innovation and social impact,” according to the Big Bang! 2015 website.

Big Thought President and CEO Gigi Antoni, along with Big Thought Senior Director of Operations Margaret Black and Program Officer for The MacArthur Foundation Tawa Mitchell, created the breakout session titled “How Dallas is Changing the Way Youth Learn through a Citywide Collective Impact Initiative.”

At the session Big Thought talked about the connected learning concept, and shared results of the first two years of the Dallas City of Learning program, which Big Thought manages in a partnership with the Dallas Mayor’s Office. The DCOL transition into the new LRNG model, which will take place in Dallas during Spring 2016, also became a highlight of the 45-minute session. A question-and-answer period concluded late morning presentation.

Stay tuned for more information in the coming months about Cities of LRNG.