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Art is Activism

“Art is commonly stereotyped as a solitary practice that forces you to isolate yourself and suddenly emerge with this outstanding piece of work that shows all of your troubles and how you overcame them.

This isn’t true. Although art in many forms is about expressing what you feel/experience, it isn’t something that requires the artist to do alone. There used to be a time where I tried to keep to myself and write a poem or two but, in the long run, I would always look to my mentors for help. I realized that being creative and brainstorming isn’t always something you have to do alone.

Many people grow and experience similar situations in life, which is part of the reason we create such strong bonds with one another.”

– Christian Morales, Youth Development Correspondent

Auditions for the 2018 season of Big Thought’s Artivism program are this Saturday, May 19th from 2-4pm! Youth ages 16-20 will work together with professional artists to create an original play or film that speaks out about racial and social justice issues. Stipends are paid for the work. Do you know someone who may be interested? Share this page with them! Sign-up to audition here: