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Big Thought Institute

Big Thought Institute partners with educators, organizations and systems to reimagine learning by leveraging proven best practices in creativity, instruction, learning systems and continual improvement that have been established over Big Thought’s 37+ years of practice.

We provide professional learning, consulting, design and evaluation services to empower clients to effectively teach, engage and support youth in reaching their full potential.

Consulting & Design

We provide strategic planning, technical support, program design and curriculum writing for youth-serving organizations focused on creating exceptional learning experiences

Professional Learning

Our learning and development team supports capacity building through training and coaching support for educators and practitioners on a wide-range of evidence-based topics and practices. Our services are engaging, youth-centered, and based in the science of effective learning

Research & Evaluation

We’ll support your continual improvement efforts and the efficacy of your organization’s programs through analysis and by delivering actionable insights

Explore our case studies

Browse our case studies to see how we’ve helped clients across diverse settings implement best practices in creativity, instruction, learning systems, and continual improvement.

BTI In Focus: The Art of instruction – a partnership to build teaching artistry

LEAs have much to consider when launching a new afterschool program, often with limited time and capacity to do so. Among the many components to contemplate are mission and vision, along with the everyday logistics that make a program come to life, resulting in an engaging, enriching and just plain fun program for youth to attend.


BTI In Focus: The Art of Instruction – A Partnership to Build Teaching Artistry

In 2007, Big Thought Institute (BTI) partnered with Southern Methodist University’s Meadows School of the Arts (SMU/MSA) to create the First-Year Arts Community Experience (FACE) program.


Mercedes Benz Stadium: STEAM Curriculum

The Mercedes Benz Stadium (MBS) in Atlanta, GA partnered with us to build out a STEAM based curriculum for grades 3-12 that meets Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE). This Educational Program provides teachers with curriculum that can be included in their lesson plans prior to and after their tour takes place.

The tour allows students to see all four levels of the state-of-the-art facility and learn about:

– What makes MBS a LEED Platinum Certified Building
– Reviews the MBS partnership with SCAD and the art pieces throughout the building
– The remarkable Architectural and Engineering elements
– What make MBS one of the most technologically advanced stadiums in the U.S.


Window On a Wider World

Window On a Wider World is dedicated to enriching the education of Texas Panhandle students through arts, science and cultural experiences. Its primary goal is to integrate arts, science and cultural programming into the core curriculum of Math, Science, Language Arts and Social Studies. This allows teachers to use this programming to teach the state standards: Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS).

Leveraging Big Thought’s Learning Partners model, Window on a Wider World is able to maintain a dynamic arts and cultural education program that magnifies the impact of every child’s learning experience in and out of the classroom. The Big Thought Institute team is proud to have consulted on this program which benefits children in rural areas.


EarthX: STEAM Curriculum

For EarthX, which is hosted here in Dallas, TX each year, we helped develop free Environmental Science focused STEAM curriculum for grades K-12 that is aligned to both the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and National Standards.


Dimensions of Quality Teaching & Learning

Six Dimensions of Quality in Teaching and Learning


Creating Quality in Socially Distanced Programming


Creating Quality in Asynchronous Virtual Learning


Creating Quality in Synchronous Virtual Learning


Professional Learning Catalog


BTI Whitepaper & Reports

A Case for More Youth Justice Programming


BTI Brief: DFW Opportunity Youth Community of Practice Micro-Learnings Report #1


BTI Insights: Metro Opportunity at Handley


Dallas City of Learning Summer 2022 Report
